In most secular counties premarital sex may just be viewed as a private, personal or moral offence which attracts no penalty or punishment but this may also be considered as a serious sin among religious countries. There are several reasons why people engage in premarital sex, a reason which makes the act unavoidable and the commonest offence in any society.
This article sets out to point out the adverse effects of the act with possible solutions. As stated earlier in this article premarital sex is rampant and almost natural, a reason which makes it difficult and unable to attract punishments in secular states. It is like casting the first stone when one is sure that he/she has no sin. Be that as it may, Ladies are left as the worst victims arising out of unexplainable bad conditions and the very harsh manner the society associates the act with the gender.
A single mother for instance, may not attract that very man of her choice because is considered as either a ‘fairly-used’ or ‘second hand’ woman by some men sometimes by even the man responsible for her child or children thus putting the woman in a very awkward position to find the man of her dream. Premarital sex may also send a lady having children only to find out that the man is not a man of her dream. Premarital sex based on promiscuity may also result to the very worst situation whereby a lady becomes unable to prove the paternity of her child. Consider the case of a man who thought he had three children from a lady only to discover that none was his own. Although this could occur within wedlock but some ladies find easy protection of these children within the wedlock.
Experiences have revealed certain reasons why our ladies engage in premarital sex. These are discussed as follows:
(i)So many ladies engage in it because everyone does it. They therefore want to have a feel of it and prove to the friend out there that they are also experienced in the act. Ladies need not display their talents in matters concerning sex when they are unmarried. Live your own live and never develop the urge to engage in it just because Angela tells you stories on her experiences with her man.
(ii)Most ladies believe that they need to acquire sexual experience, train it sufficiently so that their husbands can appreciate them in bed. This is a misleading belief as you do not need trainings and practices to satisfy your man in bed.
About the Author:
Emeka Esogbue hails from Ibusa, Delta State, Nigeria. He is is a Historian and International Relations Analyst with lots of tremendous published and unpublished.
Article Source: - Pre-marital Sex: Reasons Ladies Engage in it and Tip on How to Avoid it