Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Intimacy Problems in Marriage - No Sex Anymore?

Intimacy Problems in Marriage - No Sex Anymore?Author: Howard Guy

Lack of sex in a relationship can be a sure sign of intimacy problems in marriage not only physically but also emotionally. Sex in a marriage is a special bond of love and relationships which lack this tend to have underlying issues of trust and communication and sometimes deeper more sinister problems that they may not even be able to admit to themselves which makes navigating these relationship issues difficult and upsetting the status quo even further even if you are trying to make things better can often go awry and make things even worse!

The first mistake many men and women make when their partner becomes distant physically is to assume that they are no longer attracted to them, this not only is not true in most cases but it can make you feel, depressed, angry, frustrated and humiliated by being rejected by the only lover you are suppose to have.

So instead of taking this attitude you must be assured that this lack of sex drive and intimacy is a symptom of a deeper emotional problem not superficial physical appeal. The reasons could be many and some that have been reported include:

  • Suspicion of cheating
  • Sexual abuse
  • Hatred of their own body
  • Lack of interest due to boring routine
  • Depression
  • Stress

Every couple is different however this is just some examples that can lead to these intimacy problems and lack of interest in sex.

So what can you do about intimacy problems in marriage?

The real solution could be many and varied but to start with when looking for a solution you must be patient, never demand, never become petulant or sulk and never believe this will always be the case. To start with more important than doing the right things is not doing the wrong things and then you will have an easier time of uncovering the emotional barriers than are blocking emotional and physical intimacy.


To find out the top 5 mistakes men and women make in a sexless relationship, how to avoid them and what you should do instead click below.


About the Author:

Source: http://www.loveiscomplicated.info/

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Intimacy Problems in Marriage - No Sex Anymore?
